The Fast ForWord® Program at Home
Director, Jacqueline Egli, M.Ed., is a Certified Fast ForWord Provider
Off Site, at home use is available
Fast ForWord® Program: Overview
Fast ForWord is an evidence-based, adaptive reading and language program that delivers 1-2 years gain in 40-60 hours of use for any struggling learner. Bridges to Learning Tutoring Center has chosen to utilize the Fast ForWord® program because the unique brain-based approach targets the root causes of reading difficulty to deliver lasting results that make better readers and lifelong learners.
$250.00 Student assessment and 2 sessions required for onsite instruction with parent
$150.00 Monthly fee for access to software, remote supervision, weekly summary reports and support
Click to visit the online Fast ForWord® Program for more information
Successful Students at Bridges to Learning
The Fast ForWord® program is a reading and language software program that requires that students participate on the program a minimum of 3 days a week for 30-50 minutes per day depending on age of the student and the assigned product level. Each student receives adaptive, intensive practice on a wide variety of language and reading skills. Students are required to wear headphones and will need consistent, reliable access to the internet to use this program. Technical Specifications and Participation Expectations will be discussed before a student is enrolled.
Outcomes are best when student participation is consistent and students are compliant with the training protocol. ​
Please contact Ms. Jacky Egli for more information at jackyregli@gmail.com, or call/text at (407) 463-5943